Tim Burton... "The Magic"

Behind the big mind... it comes the true of Tim Burton´s movies.

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

Tim Burton's Mind

Tim Burton has been an acknowledged creative force in Hollywood and the creator of an eccentric world,but where come his inspiration.

Burton is a flamboyant visual stylist who creates fantasy landscapes and characters from a wealth of artistic styles and influences, including German Expressionism, This stream film is characterized by marked makeup around eyes, and characters of mortuary character with pale face. Also, the deformity in the objects and worlds where doors are pointed and crooked houses.

Burton grew up watching monster movies, but it was the films of Vincent Price that made Burton follow him. The exotic, gothic worlds Price inhabited became a landscape embedded in Burton’s imagination. Burton also connected emotionally to the psychological and misunderstood torment Price’s characters typically endured. Vincet Price was his idol and he had the oportunity to work whit him in his short film "Vincet Price" where Burton met his idol

Othet importat person for Tim Burton was Edward Gorey where his drawings offered a black humor this author, called a "macabre", inspired him to.

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