Tim Burton... "The Magic"

Behind the big mind... it comes the true of Tim Burton´s movies.

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

Lets remember...

Sleepy Hollow.

Sleepy Hollow was released in 1999 with a supernatural scenario, unique sets and a new performance by Johnny Depp embodying an interested in forensic science detective, based on the story written by Washington Irving. The remaining cast for the film was formed by Michael Gambon, Ian McDiarmid, Miranda Richardson, Christopher Walken and Christina Ricci - cast in the role of Katrina Van Tassel-. Well received by critics and with special mention to the music accompanied by an impeccable photography in charge of Emmanuel Lubezki, Sleepy Hollow won an Academy Award for best art direction, as well as two BAFTA awards for best costume design and best production design.

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